Some e-prescribing kinks still must be worked out, study says

E-prescribing is catching on, thanks to federal incentives, but doctors using electronic prescriptions still face many challenges, according to a recent study. healthcare techreview More…

Half of medical technicians text during surgery

Mobile tech devices give doctors and other staff easy access to patients' medical records, which can help prevent errors. But do they also bring new distractions that can put patients in danger? More from healthcaretechreview

iPad App Remotely Monitors Pacemakers, Defibrillators

A Florida doctor has developed an iPad app that remotely monitors readings from patients' pacemakers and defibrillators. The app can also program a PC to control heart rhythms.  eweek

How Social Media Can Destroy Your Organization . . .and Improve it Too

Some insights about the impact of social networking on healthcare orgs...By Jennifer Prestigiacomo

Doctors' Notes: A Must Read for Patients

Patients are enthusiastic about embracing access to their medical notes, while doctors are cautious. That’s one of the key findings from a new study in the Annals of Internal Medicine reporting on OpenNotes.

The study found:
  • Nearly all patients (92-97%) thought open visit notes were a good idea.
  • Most participating doctors (69-81%) thought open visit notes were a good idea, compared with only 16-33% of doctors who declined participation.
  • More than half of participating doctors (50-58%) and most nonparticipating doctors (88-92%) expected that open visit notes would result in greater worry among patients. Far fewer patients (12-16%) expected the same.
These findings are consistent with results from a second RWJF-supported study in the Annals, a survey of 18,500 patients in the Department of Veterans Affairs' medical system. The survey found that an overwhelming number of patients are interested in giving relatives, caregivers and health care providers access to their online health information.

Explore ‘Health IT Body of Knowledge’

Content is comprised of articles, tools and guidelines from HIMSS and other authoritative sources. Each document has been reviewed by content experts to ensure credibility, accuracy and completeness. More than two dozen topic areas are covered in the Health IT Body of Knowledge, including patient- and business-centered systems, strategy and planning, project management, privacy & security and workforce development. More

Portable ECG makes splash in India by enabling remote diagnosis by cardiologists

Maestros Mediline Systems announced the release of their portable ECG device which is being promoted as a high tech tool for use in rural areas, More

Redesigning Care Processes Through Technology

AHRQ: innovations and tools related to information technology and care processes are available on the Innovations Exchange Web Site

Using Health IT: Eight Quality Improvement Stories

These eight case summaries represent examples of projects with useful results that reflect a variety of technologies, settings, and patient populations.

Care Coordination Through Secure Messaging

A Kansas community seeks to improve diabetic care through secure messaging  More

AHRQ, RAND Release Online Guide To Assist in EHR Adoption, Use

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality partnered with RAND to release a no-cost, online guide to help organizations anticipate and address unintended consequences that can occur during electronic health record implementation and use. CMIO, RAND release.

'Alarm Fatigue' Among Health Providers

Medical staff ignore or become desensitized to alerts from medical devices. Boston Globe's "White Coat Notes," CMIO

Gen Y Workers Ignore IT Policies, Don't Think About Security

Cisco researchers uncovered a startling lack of concern about security and privacy along with a willingness to break IT policy in a survey of college students and young professionals. More

Patients More Likely To Pick Up Rx if Physicians E-Prescribe

Citing data from a forthcoming report, electronic prescribing network Surescripts said that 76.5% of patients pick up prescriptions sent electronically, while 69.5% of patients pick up prescriptions issued by paper, phone or fax. Wall Street Journal's "Health Blog."

People With Disabilities Connecting Via Video Chat, Online Networks

Many people with disabilities are connecting with each other through online support groups and social networking tools. In Virginia, state leaders are considering ways to replicate a program that offers virtual group therapy sessions through online video chats. Roanoke Times

How Online Social Networks Affect Health Behaviors

A new study uses online social networks and Web-based fitness applications to show that people with similar characteristics are more likely to encourage each other to adopt healthy behaviors, the Boston Globe's "White Coat Notes" reports.

Facebook Initiative To Rely on Social Networks for Suicide Prevention

Facebook launched an initiative that allows users to alert the company to comments indicating that an individual might be at risk of suicide. The program also enables at-risk users to participate in online chat sessions with crisis counselors. AP/San Francisco Chronicle.

EHRs Led to Lower Health Care Costs, R.I. Pilot Program Finds

Results of a three-year pilot program finding that the use of electronic health record systems helped lower monthly per-patient health care costs by an average of between 17% and 33%.  More

Use of Devices in Care Settings Can Distract Physicians, Experts Say

Despite the potential benefits of using mobile phones, computers and other devices for clinical purposes,  experts warn that such tools can distract physicians and compromise patient safety. In response, some health care facilities are taking steps to limit distractions in patient care settings. New York Times.

KLAS Announces 2011 Awards for Health IT Software, Services

"Best in KLAS" awards for health IT software and services. Epic Systems received the highest overall score for health IT software and maxIT Healthcare received the top overall rating for health IT services. Modern Healthcare, KLAS release.

Apple picks top 10 iPhone medical apps for 2011

Apple’s picks include both consumer and professional health apps Read More

A complete guide to planning a social media presence for healthcare

Human beings are innately social, health is social, health care is not social … yet.  More

HIT/CPOE implementation education metrics

See Cusack CM, Poon EG. Health Information Technology Evaluation Toolkit. Prepared for the AHRQ National Resource Center for Health Information Technology under contract No. 290-04- 0016. AHRQ Publication No. 08-0005-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. October 2007.

Electronic Health Records: An International Perspective on "Meaningful Use"

Research has shown that the United States lags many other countries in the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs)  More

Grandma Wins “Apps Against Abuse” Tech Challenge #mHS11

Jill is a 60 year-old woman from Texas who has been actively concerned for the safety of herself and her daughter over the years.  More

Mobile phones to play key role in healthcare

December 9, 2011 | Diana Manos At the close of the third annual mHealth Summit, held Dec. 5-7 in Washington, D.C., keynote speakers highlighted the vast impact mobile phones and other mobile devices are having -- and will continue to have -- on healthcare delivery in the United States and worldwide.  More

MU Program Teaches Safety First to Future Nurses

St. Louis Today, Blythe Bernhard, 12/08/2011          
A 500-pound mannequin portraying an obese patient has been added to the University of Missouri-Columbia Sinclair School of Nursing simulation lab. The mannequin will train nursing students to avoid injuries when lifting and transferring heavy patients. Workers who experience more injuries and illnesses on the job than nurses are truck drivers and movers, according to federal data.

FDA OKs Sanofi-AgaMatrix iPhone glucometer

The first available blood glucose meter that seamlessly connects to the iPhone and iPod touch allowing you to view and analyse accurate, reliable information in ‘real time’...Read more

A great CMS provided Meaningful Use Reference

Here is the pdf:

Telehealth Can Reduce Patient Mortality Risk, U.K. Study Finds

Telehealth technologies that allow physicians to remotely manage their patients' health care needs can cut patient mortality by up to 45%, according to a recent study conducted by the United Kingdom's Department of Health. The study also notes that the use of remote monitoring tools can reduce emergency department visits and hospital admissions. Becker's Hospital Review et al.

New Study Looks at How Online Social Networks Affect Health Behaviors

A study published in the journal Science finds that similar people in an online social network are more likely to encourage each other to adopt healthy behaviors than people in a diverse online social network. Boston Globe's "White Coat Notes," HealthDay/USA Today. (Salamon, HealthDay/USA Today, 12/3).

Health Data Breaches Increased by 32% in Last Year

A report by the Ponemon Institute and ID Experts finds that the number of reported health data breaches has increased by 32% since 2010 and that such breaches could be costing the health care industry an average of $6.5 billion annually. The report also includes recommendations aimed at helping health care organizations reduce their data breach risks. MedPage Today et al.

Search for health information going mobile

More than one in four U.S. adults have used their mobile phones in the past year to find healthcare information, according to a summary of a survey of digital health trends More

Report: 44M health app downloads in 2012

According to a new report from UK-based Juniper Research, the number of downloads for health-related apps in 2012 will total 44 million by the end of next year. Read more

Mobile, social, fun: Games for Health

“Applying game theory — gamification — to health apps, you can capture the consumer’s imagination and engage them in their own health.” Read more

AMA Unveils Mobile App To Help Patients Store, Share Medication Data

The American Medical Association recently released its "My Medications" smartphone application, which allows consumers to store and share data on their current medications, drug allergies, immunizations and other medical issues. Health Data Management, Modern Physician.

Other Nursing Informatics & HIT Blogs of Interest

Nursing Informatics & Technology: A Blog for All Levels of Users

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Health information technology improves care and saves lives

AHRQ Research about: * Telemedicine * School Health * Health Maintenance

Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

Benefit from new technologies... enable people to have remote access to CBT

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