Mobile Devices Aid Individuals With PTSD, Substance Use Problems

Researchers have published preliminary data on the testing of a wireless device that can detect physiological stressors associated with drug cravings or post-traumatic stress and then send a message to users' smartphones. Boston Globe, Mass High Tech.

Stage 2 Meaningful Use: A New Level of Information Exchange

The proposed Stage 2 criteria for the EHR meaningful use incentive program dramatically increases necessary HIE capabilities, reflected in the “Transition of Care” objective. Here are the details from a CMS presentation at HIMSS12

Companion Stage 2 Meaningful Use Rule is Released

The Office of the National Coordinator for HIT has released a proposed rule to set standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria for electronic health records under the Stage 2 meaningful use program.  More

UK to encourage docs to prescribe health apps

 In an effort to cut down on unnecessary doctor office visits, the UK’s Department of Health plans to ask general practitioners and physicians working at hospitals across the country to encourage their patients to use mobile health apps to track biometrics and symptoms. The government said the apps should be free or cheap to use.  Daily Mail... More 

Stage 2 Rules Offer Flexibility, Push Interoperability

National Coordinator for Health IT Farzad Mostashari said the proposed rules for Stage 2 of the meaningful use program offer new flexibility and emphasize interoperability. The rules were expected to be posted online today, but formatting issues have delayed their availability. Health Data Management et al.

Smartphones ring a bell for patients with memory loss.

Patients with moderate-to-severe memory impairment from brain damage linked to stroke, head injury, epilepsy, tumor, and ruptured aneurysm, showed “robust” memory improvement after participating in specially designed smartphone training.  More


This fact sheet summarizes CMS’ proposed requirements for Stage 2 of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs.
CMS’ proposed rule may be viewed here: .
Additional information on the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs   can be found at

ACC launches texting program to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) recently launched CardioSmartTXT™, a free texting program to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease. CardioSmartTXT will provide support, information, advice and tips on heart disease prevention as well as disease-specific states.  More

Patients expected to use smartphones for health monitoring

By November 2011, nearly 17 million consumers were accessing health information on mobile devices.

MyTelcare Diabetes Pal now available for free on Apple App Store
Telcare, Inc. recently unveiled its new MyTelcare Diabetes Pal, now available for free on the Apple App Store. Telcare is offering people with diabetes and their caregivers an iPhone app that automatically synchronizes with a wireless glucose meter.

Meaningful Use Round-Up

mhealth News

For more news, visit the Federal mHealth website.

Two New Resources from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

“Guide to Reducing Unintended Consequences of Electronic Health Records”

“Attributes of a Health Literate Organization"exit disclaimer (Published by the IOM)

New Rural Health IT Toolkit

Through funding by the Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP), the Rural Assistance Centerexit disclaimer and the National Rural Health Resource Centerexit disclaimer have developed a new Rural Health IT Toolkitexit disclaimer. The toolkit is intended to serve as a resource on health IT for rural health care providers.  This new toolkit includes resources related to understanding health IT, the role of various federal agencies, the legislation mandating meaningful use, and technical assistance resources to support meaningful use.
The new rural health IT toolkit, provides a wealth of information, including:
• Information on finding capital funding;
• Material about training programs available online from community colleges;
• Legislation that impacts health IT; and
• Federal resources for continued project development.

Please click here for more information and to access the new Rural Health IT Toolkitexit disclaimer

Docs Have EHR Rights, but Also Responsibilities

An article published Feb. 13 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal outlines 10 “rights” that clinicians should expect in the performance of an electronic health records system, as well as corresponding responsibilities of the clinicians to use the EHR to improve the quality of care.  More

Survey Finds Majority of Patients Believe EHRs Are Valuable for Care

A new survey commissioned by the National Partnership for Women & Families shows that the majority of patients -- whether or not their physicians use electronic health records -- believe EHRs effectively address key elements of health care. The Hill's "Healthwatch" et al.  More

Query Health: Distributed Population Queries

Query Health is an Open Government Initiative that is establishing the standards and services for distributed population health queries.  Query Health standards will be used to send questions to clinical data sources which return aggregate measures of population health that can be used for many purposes including disease outbreak monitoring, post-market surveillance, comparative effectiveness research, quality and performance measures.  More

Dept. of Veterans Affairs Makes Progress on Genetic Database

The Department of Veterans Affairs is working to collect genetic information and electronic health records from one million veterans for a database aimed at identifying new ways to predict, prevent and treat illness. So far, about 23,000 veterans' data have been processed, and another 30,000 have agreed to participate. McClatchy/Sacramento Bee.

Smartphone-Based Psychological Therapy Produces Mixed Results

Several recent studies show promising results from computer and smartphone applications that offer therapy for social anxiety and similar conditions. However, other research shows there is much work to be done to determine how effective the applications are. New York Times

What Do Surveyed U.S. Physicians Report as Being Benefits of Using Health IT Systems?

Nearly 58% of surveyed U.S. physicians believe health IT has helped improve care coordination across different settings and service boundaries, more than 57% believe it has improved access to quality clinical research data and more than 56% say it has improved cross-organizational working processes, according to an Accenture survey.

Cloud computing helps doctors improve patient care

United Health Group has launched a new cloud computing platform that stores patient information to allow doctors and hospitals to better coordinate patient care. Doctors will be able to use smartphones and tablets instead of hospital computers to access information and receive automatic updates about patient status changes. More

Sharing health data saved ERs in Memphis over $1m/year

interview with Mark Frisse MD
This is the second of a two part series. Check out part one here]

In October, the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) published a study by led by Mark Frisse, MD demonstrating significant cost savings when emergency departments (ED) have access to patients’ data via health information exchange (HIE).

Teleconferencing grants link rural practitioners with pain expert panel

University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle received grant money last fall that enables rural healthcare providers to consult with a panel of pain experts remotely.   View Full Story

Lessons From Meaningful Use Stage 1, Predictions for Stage 2

Computer Sciences Corporation has released a report examining the lessons learned from Stage 1 of the meaningful use incentive program and predicting changes that could be introduced in Stage 2, Health Data Management reports.   Read more

AHRQ Innovations Exchange: remote health monitoring

  • The featured Innovations describe three programs that used remote monitoring devices or equipment to track patient’s health conditions in community settings and prevent complications.
  • The featured QualityTools provide resources designed to set up remote health care programs, including retinopathy screening and telehealth centers.  More

Part 2: Benefits Abound When Marrying Health Care With Social Media

Health care organizations, like business in other industries, are using innovative forms of social media to inform and engage users.  READ MORE >>

iPad Revolutionizing Children’s Rehabilitation and Therapy
The Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma is using iPads to improve the ability of some of their patients to interact with their world. Technology is revolutionizing how we learn and grow.  More

The frequency of reported data breaches among organizations in its study increased 32 % from the previous year.

Unsecured mobile devices are a key point of vulnerability.
Unsecured Mobile Devices: The Weak Link

A curated presentation of stats, data, graphs, analysis and insights on the mobile telecoms sector in Africa

  Insights into Mobile Telecoms in Africa 

A curated presentation of stats, data, graphs, analysis and insights on the mobile telecoms sector in Africa prepared by Jon Hoehler (@JonHoehler) and Andrew...

Electronic Health Records Seen as Key Tool for Hospital Nurses

RWJF: A recent analysis of survey data finds that hospitals that use electronic health records score better on several measures of quality of care, including patient safety, than hospitals that do not have such a system.

IOM Nursing Report Named "Book of the Year"

RWJF: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, has been named by the American Journal of Nursing (AJN) as a 2011 Book of the Year in four categories: Advanced Practice Nursing, History and Public Policy, Leadership and Management, and Nursing Education. The report provides a blueprint to transform nursing and the delivery of health care in America.

Other Nursing Informatics & HIT Blogs of Interest

Nursing Informatics & Technology: A Blog for All Levels of Users

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Health information technology improves care and saves lives

AHRQ Research about: * Telemedicine * School Health * Health Maintenance

Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

Benefit from new technologies... enable people to have remote access to CBT

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