Social media policy: Possible implications for Healthcare

You might be interested in the discussion of the recent NLRB action about Costco’s social media policy at Might it have implications in your work environment?

Many Physicians Using Social Media To Find, Share Health Data

A study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research finds that 61% of surveyed doctors use social media to find or explore health information at least once weekly and 46% said they contribute new information through a social media platform at least once weekly. FierceHealthIT.

From the iPhone to the EMR

RWJF: When Patients Share Health Information with Providers Through Personal Technologies, Clinical Care and Patient Engagement Can Improve
Project HealthDesign, a program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, has demonstrated clear potential for improving health care delivery and outcomes, as well as patient engagement—through the use of personal technology. Five research teams studied whether patients' use of technologies, such as smartphone apps, sensors, iPads, and others, to collect information from their daily lives and share it with their health care providers, could enhance clinical care.

Making it Easier to Find What Works for Health County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Releases New Resource for Community Leaders When it comes to solving problems that affect our health, knowing what works matters. Implementing or adapting proven strategies increases your likelihood of success in improving health.
What Works for Health, the latest release from County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, is an online, searchable menu of policies and programs

Edutainment: Great new research results: Zamzee boosts activity...

HopeLab developed Zamzee, an activity meter and motivational website, as a way to get kids moving more. Kids provided feedback at every stage of Zamzee product development, including HopeLab’s Ruckus Nation and Ruckus Research projects, and research shows that Zamzee increased physical activity in kids by 59% on average over a six-month study period.
Zamzee is now available at

Top 3 causes of health data breaches - and how to avoid them

Where should health IT teams focus their security efforts? Based on the study of 72 healthcare organizations’ security practices and experiences with breach incidents, these are most common causes of data breaches in health care...Click for more

Study Identifies Racial Differences in Doctors' Use of Health IT Tools

According to a study, white physicians in the U.S. are more likely than minority physicians to communicate with patients electronically, but minority doctors are more likely to use IT for preventive care reminders. FierceHealthIT, Perspectives in Health Information Management.Read more

Fla. Medicaid Patients Now Can Track Personal Health Data Online

This week, Florida health officials announced that Medicaid beneficiaries now can use the My Florida Health eBook to access their personal health information online. The website allows beneficiaries to track various data, including immunizations and medications. AP/Gainesville Sun, AHCA release.

Mobile Technology Can Help Patients Manage Diabetes

Smartphones and other mobile technologies can help patients better manage diabetes, according to a new report from the eHealth Initiative, Modern Healthcare reports (Conn, Modern Healthcare, 9/20).

"Research shows that the majority of patients, including those who are disadvantaged, have access to a mobile device or smartphone. These patients have tools at their fingertips to help manage their diabetes more effectively" (eHealth Initiative release, 9/20).

According to the report's authors, mobile technology aimed at helping patients manage chronic diseases is "one of the most significant health IT developments of the past five years" (Modern Healthcare, 9/20).

Patient as consumer: What does it mean for healthcare?

TEDMED2013: Patient empowerment can be a double-edged sword. From hospitals and insurance companies to doctors and patients themselves, much of the medical system increasingly treats patients as “customers” or “consumers,” terms that some people love and others hate. If patients are customers, does that mean “the customer is king” or does it mean “buyer beware” — or both?
If patients retain their traditional role, does that mean doctors are in charge? Are both in charge somehow? How is “power” shared among all stakeholders and how should it be shared?
The changing role of the patient was voted the number one Great Challenge in health and medicine by the TEDMED community in 2011, one of 20 complex issues with broad impact that needs cross-disciplinary understanding and discussion to manage.  Join the online interactive Challenges community now to share your thoughts on patient engagement and to ask questions of thought leaders in the field.

Shift toward a focus on the individual consumer experience calls for changes in healthcare

In this Age of the Healthcare Consumer, most people want online access to doctors and health records
Just as people go online for travel planning. photo development. and financial transactions. they're looking for health engagement with their doctors and health records online, too. Harris Interactive heralds this as The Age of of The Healthcare consumer.  Read more

New Meaningful Use wall poster

This is like a markup version poster – showing changes from the proposed rule to the final rule, and also Stage 1 to Stage 2. Zoom to 100% and scroll around to see the poster, or print it – it is 4ft x 6ft.

Meaningful Use – The Whiteboard Story
Quick Guide Comparison―Stage 1 to Stage 2 Objectives and
Bookmark versions of the Final

44 % reduction in 30-day readmissions testament to power of health IT

Advance for Nurses, Elizabeth Adams, 09/11/2012
A 44 percent reduction in 30-day readmissions serves as a testament to the power of health information technology, nursing informatics. Read more

Consumers Support Electronic Storage, Sharing of Health Data

A new Annals of Family Medicine study finds that consumers generally are comfortable with electronic methods of storing and sharing their health information, but they also consider several health data privacy and security protections to be important. Clinical Innovation & Technology.

National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Emphasizes Health IT

Federal health officials and military officers announced a new national strategy aimed at preventing suicide. The initiative relies on Facebook, mobile applications, interactive websites and other technologies to identify at-risk individuals and offer treatment. Reuters et al.

Examining the Evolving Use of Apps and Mobile Health Devices in a Real-Time Clinical Settin
In October, 2010 over 20 residents and attendings at Rusk Rehabilitation, NYU Langone Medical Center were provided with iPads (Apple, Cupertino) to initiate a study that was one of the first and largest to examine these devices in a clinical setting.  Read more

Patients Report High Satisfaction With Online Communication Tool

A small provisional study published this week in the journal BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making finds that the majority of patients who used an online tool that allowed for asynchronous communication with their physicians reported being more satisfied and empowered. FierceHealthIT.

IOM calls for better use of technology in healthcare

Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America

Doctor, Patient Collaboration: 7 Ways to Improve Health Care

eWeek: In health care, poor collaboration could lead to deterioration in patient conditions ... Patients' adherence to medication routines and appointments as well as doctors' responsiveness to patients' questions and concerns are some of the areas that can benefit from the use of technology. Click on this link for  tips on how doctors can increase their collaboration with patients.

VA Says One Million Users Have Signed Up for 'Blue Button' Tool

One million patients have registered for and are using the Department of Veterans Affairs' "Blue Button" tool, officials announced last week. The Blue Button tool lets users download their personal health data in a standard and consistent manner. Healthcare IT News, Modern Healthcare.

Other Nursing Informatics & HIT Blogs of Interest

Nursing Informatics & Technology: A Blog for All Levels of Users

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Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

Benefit from new technologies... enable people to have remote access to CBT

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