EHR, Standardized Nursing Taxonomy and Outcomes Research

This article which recently came out which shows how using a standardized taxonomy in an EMR we can begin to measure the effectiveness or impact of nursing activities on patient outcomes.

The research involves an ogranization that uses a nursing information system which incorporates the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC).  Using NIC and the definition of surveillance as the “purposeful and ongoing acquisition, interpretation, and synthesis of patient data for clinical decision making” - they found that patients who had surveillance done 12 times a day, or greater, decreased the odds of a failure to rescue. 
The interest in this article isnt the findings - but that they quantified nursing value using a standardized nursing taxonomy and EMR data.

Shever, L. L. (2011). The impact of nursing surveillance on failure to rescue. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 25(2), 107-126.

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Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

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