Overview EHR Incentive Programs

Home page for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs established through the Recovery Act/HITECH Act of 2009. 
Check out some great info from CMS on their EHR incentive programhttp://www.cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms/

Enhanced Health IT teaching materials now available to the public

ONC is pleased to announce that an enhanced set of 20 curriculum components is now available to the public at no cost, including all institutions of higher education nationwide and internationally. 
How do I access the materials?
To obtain the materials, go to http://www.onc-ntdc.org or http://www.onc-ntdc.info to set up a profile and download the components.

Visit the ONC website to learn more about the Curriculum Development Centers program and other ONC health IT workforce development programs.

Learn How to Better Use Social Media

Looking to get more out of social media? Check out three new resources posted in the eConnecting with Consumers Toolkit. “Healthcare ‘Friending’ Social Media: What is It, How Is It Used and What Should I Do?” is a comprehensive white paper, presented at the HIMSS12 Social Media Center, on the benefits and risks to using social media and social networking. Two topical reviews also have been posted: “Advice to Providers” and “Advice to Consumers.” Click here to access the resources.

Evaluation, Testing and Validation of the Usability of Electronic Health Records

NIST released NISTIR 7804 "Technical Evaluation, Testing and Validation of the Usability of Electronic Health Records".  This report can be accessed at  http://www.nist.gov/healthcare/usability/index.cfm

6 Benefits & Challenges in CMS' Meaningful Use Stage 2 Proposed Rule

Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record Incentive Programs. The Stage 2 rule included criteria eligible professionals, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals must meet in order to qualify for an incentive payment for adoption and "meaningful use" of electronic medical records. Becker’s Hospital Review

11 Telemedicine Tools Transforming Healthcare

What's fueling the healthcare industry's interest in telemedicine? Better mobile technologies and more mature electronic health records (EHRs) and clinical decision support (CDS) systems lead the list. Also, as the baby boomer generation ages, medical expert shortages arise in many specialties. InformationWeek

Other Nursing Informatics & HIT Blogs of Interest

Nursing Informatics & Technology: A Blog for All Levels of Users

News from healthcareitnews.com



Health information technology improves care and saves lives

AHRQ Research about: * Telemedicine * School Health * Health Maintenance

Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

Benefit from new technologies... enable people to have remote access to CBT

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