Microsoft and TracFone collaborate to offer innovative mobile health management solution to the healthcare market

Microsoft Corp. and TracFone Wireless on Thursday announced a collaboration that will bring the benefits of smartphone technology and services to underserved and high-risk populations through a new mobile health management solution offered through providers and insurers. This approach expands on Microsoft’s commitment to healthcare and TracFone’s telecommunications expertise as the largest Lifeline provider and prepaid wireless leader. Microsoft and TracFone will work with Health Choice Network (HCN), a Miami-based company that manages and connects a network of community health centers with more than 760,000 patients in 17 states, to conduct a pilot project where HCN will provide smartphones to diabetes patients to help them better manage their care.
Windows Phone and TracFone services will connect data, devices and people to drive better patient engagement and health outcomes in a HIPAA-enabled environment. Read More

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Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

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