“But regardless of how the technology changes in the future, historically telemedicine has meant a lot to our providers and to the patients. It was absolutely a win-win.” Read More
Empower Yourself...Welcome to your future and beyond.... Working together we will build upon our "collective wisdom" to create, for tomorrow, what we can only imagine today...J. Perl, Editor
For the Border City of Nogales, Arizona, Telemedicine is ‘a Win-Win’
Doctors wondered if they could achieve comparable results with telemedicine...Telemedicine is moving toward greater mobility, with smart phones, Skype and tablets having a larger role.
These clinics are moving toward doing consults with the patient at home. “We have patient navigators who are out visiting patients
in their homes, which is a big plus for someone who is elderly or
chronically ill.
“But regardless of how the technology changes in the future, historically telemedicine has meant a lot to our providers and to the patients. It was absolutely a win-win.” Read More
“But regardless of how the technology changes in the future, historically telemedicine has meant a lot to our providers and to the patients. It was absolutely a win-win.” Read More
ONC Unveils Blue Button Campaign, Toolkit During Health IT Week
The toolkit is
designed to help organizations -- including health information
exchanges, immunization registries, labs and pharmacies -- improve
access to consumers' personal health data. It includes information
- Marketing materials and strategies; and
- Technical guidelines for sharing patient data (Slabodkin, Health Data Management, 9/16).
In addition, the
toolkit updated and replaced the Blue Button Implementation Guide, which
ONC expects to continue to update as it adopts new standards.
The implementation guide now includes:
- A portfolio of national standards to increase access to electronic health records;
- Alternative technical procedures for exchanging consumer information, including application programming interfaces, secure attachments and Web services;
- Marketing materials and guidelines on how to include the Blue Button symbol in an organization's product or on its website; and
- The ability to tailor the Blue Button website to the specific needs of an organization ("Health IT Buzz," 9/15). Read More
Health Care Industry Cautious When Adopting New Tech
A new study conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services finds
that the health care industry takes a cautious approach to technology
adoption, compared with other industries. However, the study concludes
that early technology adopters are more likely to experience revenue
growth and market position. InformationWeek et al. Read More
The VA embraces technology to better care for veterans
VA healthcare apps
But, these apps are only the beginning. The VA is actually developing
a much larger mobile project to bring veterans' healthcare into the
21st century. The two apps will be the first to be
housed in the VA's upcoming app store. VA
estimates show that 25% of vets with diabetes already use blood sugar
tracking apps. Read More
Care coordination, mHealth to better serve vulnerable populations
Vulnerable populations are better served by
multiple systems working together, such as coordinated care and mhealth
technologies. http://bit.ly/1qzYGCg
Coordinated care and mHealth technologies are
key to reducing disparities in care for vulnerable populations,
according to an article at Health Affairs. Read More
NCSBN study comparing comparability of simulation and clinical training
On August 21, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) released the findings from its highly anticipated research study titled “The NCSBN National Simulation Study: A Longitudinal, Randomized, Controlled Study Replacing Clinical Hours with Simulation in Prelicensure Nursing Education.” The study authors concluded that substituting high quality simulation experiences for up to half of traditional clinical training hours in entry-level registered nursing programs had no negative impact on NCLEX pass rates or the competency level of new graduates. The study found that there were no meaningful differences in critical thinking, clinical competency, and overall readiness for practice between graduates of traditional pre-licensure programs with no simulated clinical experiences and graduates of programs utilizing simulation for up to 50% of its clinical experiences.
NCSBN National Simulation Study. Read More
NCSBN National Simulation Study. Read More
ATA Finds Some States Falling Short on Telemedicine Policies
The American Telemedicine Association
has released two state policy reports that identify shortfalls in
coverage, reimbursement and practice standards for telemedicine across
the U.S. ATA CEO Jonathan Linkous says the reports should be a "wake-up
call" to states that are failing to promote telehealth. FierceHealthIT et al. Read More
ONC Rule Aims To Offer More Flexibility on EHR Certification
September 11, 2014, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT released a final rule that updates 2014 certification criteria for electronic health records and drops proposed 2015 voluntary certification criteria. ONC says it will make "a small subset" of the 2015 voluntary criteria optional for 2014. FierceEMR, HHS release. Read More |
Games for Health | Can online and mobile games improve patient outcomes?
Clinical evidence suggests that games related to health and wellness
have tremendous potential to promote healthy behaviors and even improve
outcomes and medical treatment adherence. Applying games to healthcare is not a trend or fad. It is a rapidly
growing and extremely collaborative field, and as technology continues
to develop, so will the capabilities of the games. By creating games
that augment our healthcare providers’ treatment plans, we can empower
patients by enhancing their learning through experiential and
interactive approaches that ultimately drives behavior change. In doing
so, people can live healthier and more fulfilled lives. Read More
EHR Alerts, Documentation Boosted HIV Testing in NYC, New Orleans
Health facilities in New Orleans and New York City screened a higher
percentage of patients for HIV after implementing electronic health
record alert programs. The organizations implemented an alert system to
remind staff to screen patients for HIV or require practitioners to
document the screenings. Becker's Hospital Review's "Hospital CIO" et al. Read More
CMS Issues Final Rule To Extend Meaningful Use Requirements
CMS has released a final rule that will grant health care providers and eligible professionals additional flexibility to upgrade electronic health record systems to meet requirements for Stage 2 of the meaningful use program. However, several stakeholders have expressed disappointment in the rules, which they say will have little effect. Modern Healthcare et al. Read More |
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Ethics and HIT
- patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
- transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
- institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
- vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.