The toolkit is
designed to help organizations -- including health information
exchanges, immunization registries, labs and pharmacies -- improve
access to consumers' personal health data. It includes information
- Marketing materials and strategies; and
- Technical guidelines for sharing patient data (Slabodkin, Health Data Management, 9/16).
In addition, the
toolkit updated and replaced the Blue Button Implementation Guide, which
ONC expects to continue to update as it adopts new standards.
The implementation guide now includes:
- A portfolio of national standards to increase access to electronic health records;
- Alternative technical procedures for exchanging consumer information, including application programming interfaces, secure attachments and Web services;
- Marketing materials and guidelines on how to include the Blue Button symbol in an organization's product or on its website; and
- The ability to tailor the Blue Button website to the specific needs of an organization ("Health IT Buzz," 9/15). Read More