Games for Health | Can online and mobile games improve patient outcomes?

Clinical evidence suggests that games related to health and wellness have tremendous potential to promote healthy behaviors and even improve outcomes and medical treatment adherence. Applying games to healthcare is not a trend or fad. It is a rapidly growing and extremely collaborative field, and as technology continues to develop, so will the capabilities of the games. By creating games that augment our healthcare providers’ treatment plans, we can empower patients by enhancing their learning through experiential and interactive approaches that ultimately drives behavior change. In doing so, people can live healthier and more fulfilled lives. Read More

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Health information technology improves care and saves lives

AHRQ Research about: * Telemedicine * School Health * Health Maintenance

Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

Benefit from new technologies... enable people to have remote access to CBT

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