10 Reasons to Give Your Nursing Career a Digital Media Makeover

In recent years, the growth of digital and social media have come to influence many aspects of day-to-day life, including our experience in the workplace. Nurses savvy in these new media can take advantage of the new tools that are available and use them for professional growth and development  (Johnson and Johnson Discovernursing.com)
1. Mobile Apps as Workplace Tools : Cell phone dependence is becoming increasingly practical for nurses, with convenient apps that serve as drug references, medical dictionaries, calculation tools, medical news feeds and much more.
2. Professional Networking Online: Career-oriented social networking site, connects more than 75 million     professionals with members of their network. Users can create a profile, upload a virtual résumé, connect with past and present colleagues and join interactive professional groups.

3. Real-time Nurse Chatter: #RNchat was started on Twitter by Phil Bauman to allow nurses to openly discuss topics that run the gamut of industry news to general questions to advice and tips for success!

4. Blogger Connection: Have you ever wanted to hear the stories of other nurses? Check out blogs like Lost on the Floor or codeblog, which share tales from the frontline! These sites and other nurse blogs also have blogrolls, which link related bloggers together and direct readers to other blogs they might like.

5. The Online Conversation: Nurses are using online outlets like AllNurses.com, NurseConnect.com and Facebook to engage in discussions with other nurses worldwide.

6. Industry News at Your Fingertips: Nursing and healthcare news sources are plentiful online, with outlets like MedPage Today, Nurse.com and WebMD delivering daily industry news for free.

7. Interactive Educational Resources: Several online sources provide access to tools that allow nursing students to enhance their education and current nurses to refresh their knowledge! Nurses can participate in webinar CE courses like these from Nurse.com and a new career-focused series called Career RN, sponsored by the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future. Students can also check out these free online quizzes from LearningNurse.com.

8. Downloadable Nursing Podcasts: Podcast series deliver audio content with regular episodes that are available to download. Several medical and nursing podcasts are available online and through iTunes.
9. Nursing Video Feeds: YouTube, the home of many popular viral videos, also hosts several healthcare- and nursing-focused channels like JNJhealth, MedicCast and nursesblog to which viewers can subscribe. YouTube’s landscape of user-generated videos ranges from educational to investigative to purely entertaining and allows all users to broadcast uploaded videos!
10. It’s the digital age!: As digital and social media evolve, they continue to influence the way we communicate, receive news and how we share information. Digital media literacy can complement well-rounded nursing professionals and key them into the changing landscape of the nursing industry.

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  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

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