New Sentinel Event Alert Examines Safe Use of Health Information Technology

New Sentinel Event Alert Examines Safe Use of Health Information Technology - Leadership’s Role is Key to Safety, According to Alert
Safe use of health information technology (health IT) is the focus of a new Sentinel Event Alert released today by The Joint Commission. The new alert examines the contributing factors to sentinel events that are health IT-related and includes suggested solutions to be implemented by health care organizations.  Read More

Tablets, apps foster better patient care, communications in ICU environments

Mobile apps and computing devices are boosting patient care outcomes in the intensive care unit environment, as well as enhancing communication between patients and care providers, according to a Wall Street Journal reportRead More

Patients, providers overwhelmingly believe mHealth tools boost quality of life

An overwhelming number of patients and providers see mobile as a promising platform when it comes to both prevention and treatment of healthcare-related issues, according to a recent study.
The new study aligns with findings from the fifth annual "Pulse of Online Health," conducted by Makovsky Health/Kelton, that says roughly two-thirds of Americans are enthusiastic about tapping digital tools for managing personal health. It also matches up with Mary Annecharico's prediction of an impending mHealth transformation. The chief information officer at Henry Ford Health Systems states, in a CIO Review commentary, that the transformation will bring improved coordination of care, elimination of redundancy and inefficiency, shared accountability and active patient involvement in healthcare effortsRead More

Connected Health 2015: The Year of Virtual Patient Visits

Well written article from Insurance News Website.
Among the predictions for 2015, one that has received a lot of attention is the growth of telehealth. In a 2015 posting on Forbes titled "Why Telemedicine's Time Has Finally Come," Fleshman, an asset manager, attributes today's dramatic increase...
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Nurses Have To Translate When Medical Devices Fail To Communicate

More than 2/3 of nurses said they spend at least an hour a shift dealing with devices in a recent poll. That burden can be lightened with better technology.
Walk past a patient's hospital room, and the flashing control panels on devices by the bed might make you think you're peering at the cockpit of a 737. Medical...
WWW.NPR.ORG   Read More

HHS Releases Proposed Rules for Stage 3 Meaningful Use

On 3/22/2015  HHS released proposed rules on Stage 3 of the meaningful use program. CMS' proposed rule would align the program into a single stage by 2018 and create a 365-day reporting period for all providers. Meanwhile, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT's proposed certification rule aims to better align with the agency's Interoperability Roadmap. Health Data Management et al. Read More

Future of Health: WebMD

WebMD's Future of Health
3–D Printing

3-D printers are already producing body parts -- some with actual human cells. What's coming next?

A New Dimension
While 3-D printing is promising for future treatments, Robin Roberts reports it already is helping real people.

Tailor-Made Medicine
3-D printing's potential impact on health is exciting -- think more prosthetics, models of organs, and implantable tissue.   Read More

Brookings Report Finds Significant Gaps in EHR Interoperability

A new data brief by the Brookings Institution finds several challenges to achieving interoperability in electronic health record systems, including barriers related to the meaningful use program. The brief recommends that meaningful use incentives be modified to focus on value and outcomes, among other suggestions. Clinical Innovation & Technology, Brookings data brief. Read More

Over-Regulation Keeps Home Bound Americans From "Aging in Place."

Accomplished Attorney and Visionary Business Strategist Top Contributor

An excellent article appearing in the National Law Journal reviews how over-regulation hinders the desperately-needed expansion of telemedicine. We cannot allow the pending telehealth-related legislation to be caught up in partisan division. Be sure to contact your elected officials in Washington that telehealth expansion is crucial for cost effective, quality healthcare in America.
Remote, 24-hour monitoring would allow Americans who need long-term care to "age in place" at home.

Nurses: Device Interoperability Key to Reducing Medical Errors

A survey of registered nurses commissioned by the Gary and Mary West Health Institute finds that hospital errors could be prevented if interoperability of medical devices were improved. About half of nurse respondents say they have witnessed an error resulting from a lack of interoperability. FierceHealthIT, MobiHealthNewsRead More

Groups Praise New ACO Model's Expanded Telehealth Coverage

CMS' plan to expand telehealth coverage under its new "Next Generation Accountable Care Organization Model" is receiving high praise from several industry stakeholders who call it a critical and important step. CMS plans to allow participants to receive payments for telehealth services, regardless of where the patient is located. FierceHealthIT et al. Read More

Use of Insurers' Mobile Apps Linked to Consumer Satisfaction

A J.D. Power survey of individuals in 134 different health plans finds that consumers who use mobile applications to communicate with their health plans are more satisfied with their insurance than those who do not. The apps have helped to boost plans' overall customer ratings, according to the survey. MobiHealthNewsRead More

Stage 2 Helps Boost Hospitals' Reporting of Public Health Data

During a Health IT Policy Committee meeting yesterday, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT officials announced that 72% of Stage 2-eligible hospitals have reported on all applicable public health measures. The data show just 5% of Stage 1-eligible hospitals, which are not required to report on those measures, electronically submitted public health data. FierceEMR et al.Read More

This is big (data)


Innovative new mobile apps will provide a rich source of research data on five diseases from those who know their conditions best: patients. The data will be collected and aggregated on a platform developed by an RWJF grantee, using a software framework developed by Apple.  ResearchKit, a software framework it developed that helps doctors and scientists conduct medical research by collecting data more frequently and more accurately from people who are using mobile apps. In addition, Apple shared news of a suite of five free mobile apps for ResearchKit—two of which were developed by Sage Bionetworks with RWJF support.  Read More
Here's how patients will fill the health data void >

Apple ResearchKit concerns, potential, analysis

By: MobiHealthNews | Mar 13, 2015
A comprehensive round-up of the most important ResearchKit-related coverage from around the web, including some of the more interesting interviews, concerns, and benefits of Apple’s new initiative. Read More

What is the Difference Between Telemedicine, Telehealth and mHealth?

Telehealth refers to the provision of healthcare services by the application of telecommunication technologies to enhance access to quality healthcare in rural and urban communities across geographical distances.Telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical service...One of the most common applications of mHealth is the use of mobile communication devices to educate consumers about preventive healthcare services. Mobile health applications are also used for treatment support, disease surveillance, monitoring epidemic outbreaks and chronic disease management. Read More

Health plan members who use apps are happier with their plan

Kaiser PermanenteA J.D. Power survey on health plan satisfaction finds that mobile apps are a significant role player in helping health plans increase their member satisfaction, which overall has gone up since last year.

The survey was given to more than 30,000 people spread out across 134 health plans across the United States. They calculated satisfaction on a 1,000 point scale, taking into account coverage and benefits, provider choice, information and communication, claims processing, cost, and customer service.
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Apple announces medical app research platform, ResearchKit

Apple medical ResearchKitThe first few apps made with ResearchKit include ones focused on research into Parkinson’s, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and breast cancer. While ResearchKit won’t launch for another month, these first few ResearchKit-enabled apps are available today.

The University of Rochester and Sage Bionetworks worked together to create the Parkinson’s research app, mPower, using Apple’s ResearchKit. mPower aims to make it easier for people to sign up for studies and providing consent to do so. The app can detect symptoms in Parkinson’s patients just by having them say “ahhhh” into the phone. 
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Mental Health Professionals Debate Use of EHRs, Incentives

Many mental health professionals are urging Congress to pass legislation to make them eligible for incentive payments under the meaningful use program. However, some stakeholders have raised privacy concerns about the use of electronic health records by mental health providers. Kaiser Health News/Washington Post.
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Helping Patients Navigate the 'Hospital Maze'

Helping Patients Navigate the 'Hospital Maze'Hospital wayfinding with geofencing and beacons...With the vast majority of patients being on mobile, wayfinding apps are proving to be great tools for providers to solve the maze madness and to brighten up the place a bit. By incorporating geofencing and proximity beacons into their branded apps, hospitals can greatly ease the navigation process for patients and visitors. Inject a little humor into these apps, and you can bring the best medicine back into play.

Hospitals can be difficult to navigate, a labyrinth of corridors, elevators, stairways and mystery doors. Learn how "mobile wayfinding" can help your patients and their families have a better...Read More

Telehealth services surging despite questions about value

Virtual visits, either by phone or online video connection, are more convenient and may be as effective as in-person doctor visits.
The business of offering consumers virtual visits with physicians is booming even as questions about the quality of care and cost effectiveness of those services remain unresolved.
Virtual visits, either by phone or online video connection, are more convenient and may be as effective as in-person doctor visits.  Read More

CityNext: How video collaboration will enhance healthcare delivery

Healthcare and delivery of care are changing nationwide. People are more conscious than ever before when it comes to being engaged in their care, and city leaders can now take advantage of Polycom’s partnership with Microsoft and enjoy the benefits of voice and video technology thanks to the CityNext Initiative.
How live, face-to-face interaction, video collaboration and telemedicine plays a role discharge planning efforts, transition of care, and care coordination.

National Psychology Board reveals new compact to enhance interstate licensure portability

American Telemedicine Association

The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) has released the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) which is designed to facilitate telehealth and temporary face-to-face practice of psychology across jurisdictional boundaries. The new Compact intends to streamline the licensure process and increase public access to professional psychological services. The PSYPACT is similar in model to the Nurse’s Compact. Each state may opt into an agreement to mutually recognize a psychologist’s state license and exchange information about the licensee’s disciplinary history and background.Read More 

Health Application for Seniors

While mobile technology is revolutionizing medicine, tools and applications that address the needs of seniors remain either limited in scope or accessibility.   “Technology is only useful, if people are able to use it”.  This is one of the mantras of Dr. Mehta, whose goal was to make ZibdyHealth as simple and intuitive as possible...where information can be shared in a secure manner with caregivers and family members.  This unique aspect of ZibdyHealth takes it from a simple personal health and wellness tool to something much bigger, allowing important health information to stay with the patient during transitions such as hospital discharges, or physician changes, while allowing caregivers and family members the ability to monitor the health data of the individual. 

These steps will ensure effectiveness and success on a Triage Call! ‪#nursetriage

This short video introduces the key steps for a nurse to take a patient phone triage call.

Most Elderly Consumers Want Digital Home Health Tools

More than two-thirds of elderly U.S. residents want access to health care services from home, but a majority say they are concerned current technology cannot facilitate such capabilities, according to a new survey by Accenture, Modern Healthcare reports (Tahir, Modern Healthcare, 3/2).
67% of elderly respondents said they wanted access to health services in their homes, 66% of respondents are concerned that today's technology is insufficient to do so.
Meanwhile, 62% of elderly respondents said researching health information was their top reason for going online.  
Respondents who said they value technology were more likely to be proactive in their health care. Specifically, the survey found that:
  • 75% of elderly respondents who value technology said they track their weight digitally, compared with 43% who said they do not value technology; and
  • 50% of elderly respondents who value technology said they actively monitor their cholesterol, compared with 31% who do not value technology (Goth, Health Data Management, 3/3/15).
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ATA's State Policy Toolkit Outlines Telehealth Policies

stethoscope-and-globeThe American Telemedicine Association has released a State Policy Toolkit that outlines what specifically comprises good telehealth policy.  The guide also presents concise rebuttals to common arguments that oppose increased telehealth coverage, as well as stand-alone reasons to support it. This kit is a trove of useful information on telemedicine, it exercises brevity while avoiding medical jargon in order to present the clearest picture of telemedicine possible.  Read More

Documenting Better in the New Healthcare?

Do you use scribes to help with documenting? Florida Hospital's David Goldman, D.O., explains the difference they can make.
Goldman isn’t afraid to say what many in healthcare are thinking: current electronic health record (EHR) systems just aren’t that intuitive for doctors. “It’s a computer system with a lot of clicks,” he says. “It cripples and your ability to be as efficient. I’m a productive guy. In a nine hour day, I could probably see 20-30 patients. With an EMR and no scribe, I’d be on the low end. That’s not sustainable.”

iDoctor Could a smartphone be the future of medicine

Why do we treat people like cattle? Eric Topol argues for smart phone healthcare revolution. Watch this #telehealth

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Ethics and HIT

  • patient safety should trump all other values; corporate concerns about liability and intellectual property ownership may be valid but should not over-ride all other considerations;
  • transparency and a commitment to patient safety should govern vendor contracts;
  • institutions are duty-bound to provide ethics education to purchasers and users, and should commit publicly to standards of corporate conduct; and
  • vendors, system purchasers, and users should encourage and assist in each others’ efforts to adopt best practices.

e-Behaviorial Health

Benefit from new technologies... enable people to have remote access to CBT

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